Tucson Daily Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

FRIDAY'EVENING, I960 A I I I PAGE NEW YORK STOCK LIST DOW-JONES I M. STOCK AVERAGES 30 20 Rails J5 Admiral Aeroqulp Air Reduc Alco Prod Aldens Chu A Abbollt. in 57-! ACP Ind 431 14 3 3 33? 11 14 173 45' 11 41 All(ed Ch 40 Ml AHitd Mb 1 4- Allied Sirs tV, -I Alpha 4 AlumLld 143 24 13 Am Ag Ch 28 Am Alrlln 21 "A- Am Bosch 27 1 Am Bd 14 Am Cblitfl 45 IOU- Am Cm SB Am Cynn 3 i AmElPw 29 Pw 31 9 li Am Horn Pd -12 152 -Ui A 2 11 A i 67 53 A I 68 2511- Am Motors 7851-31 Am Gas I I Am Optical I 451i- Am Potash H. 41 AmSeitinr 11 Am Smelt 3l' 47 Am Std it. Am Stl Fd 1-T Am StlFd Wl 4 34H- AmTelTel 184 8151- Am Tob 4 107'A-f A .90 Am Viscote Am Zinc AmpecCp 7 19 '99 -2 Amph Dorg 3D 34 Anacfendu HO I A i Armco SU "74 33 31 ArmourCo 82 IS'i lti ArmMCk 12 AshlOll ASK Prod Asad Dry 57 42 .11 All Cti Line Cp 13 Autom 40 25 Avco Corp 93 1311-- BabcocJcJkW' BaltfcOh rda Bcaunlt Becknfan In Beech Alrc Beech Bell BrllAHow BendixAv Benef Bensuet i Bcstwall Beth Steel Butelow Black Sc Dec BlnwKnox Bliss.

EW Boeing Air Bond Sirs Bordennew Bore Warn Brim Alrw Sridif Brlissi Ml Brtst My Bkty U.Gai Brown -Bf Brun BilKe Bucy Brie Budd Co Bullurd Bulova Burl IntJ Burroughs Butler Br Butte Cop ,10 5311- Mtt- 5 1 4 saik 1 0 2 3 'U Hi Wit- US 20 1731-I i 22, .38 42 li--' 1 0 .,11 1 3 11U 5 551- 3 8 4H1 i ll 1911-t- 5311 41 i -12 i iz 104 i 3 2 IS ii 4 17 13.T 7 3 1 1.1 3 1 IS 4 4 Cal Puck CillnhMnir Calum CampbSoup Cdn Pac Cipllil Alrl Carborun Caro Pi-L Carrier Case. JI Cater True Celotex Cen Fdy Cen Hud Cen 111 PS Cen RR NJ Cen 4c SW CerdePas Cert-teed Cessna Air Cessna A 3 Champ Pap 3 Champl Oil 23 ChanceVst Chemetn 13 Chemway; 2 ChesOh IS ChiiElilA .30 SPfcPpf Chi RIPa Chrysler Cin Mil CIT Finan Cillci Svc Clark Iquip Clcv El 111 duett Pea Coca. Cola Coca Cola Wl 5 Palm 34 CollAik Collins Bad Colo Filr CBS Colum Gax Col Pict Col Carb Comb Coml Cred Coml Solv Ed Con Edti Con Gaj. Consol Coal Consum Pw. Container Cont Can Cont Mot Cont Oil Cont SU-Copper Copw Stl Corn Pd Cornins Gl Crane Co Crown Cork Crown Zell Cruc Stl Cub Am Sus I I CudahyPk 51 Curtis Pub 18 Curtlss Wr Cutler Daystrom Dayt Pl.

-Dayton Rub Dccca Rec Dccre Del cfeHud LW DenRGW 1 i-Det Ed Is Del Stl Cp Diam Nat DIs Sear Dlvco Way DomcMIn Doug Alrc Dow Chem Dover Cp Dress Ind du Pont Lt DWG Clg 38'. 17U- 33H- 1914- 45V. -h 24! i 1311 9411- 103 4 37 3 II 4 14 1H1- 32' 27 li 37' 4 6 i 150' 50'A- 57Vi-2 39 48' S5H- -57 4- 451i- 10V, 73' --1 47 46Ti 11 Tal 21V. 5011 '20 -1811'- 41 IV- 1911 Eagle EastGl. EastGF East Stl Kod EatonMfs Ekco Pd El Auto Lt El Mus El Slor Bat El Paso NC II 12 32 20 27 lOxd -a 9 S3 -2 ii 231 27', 233 22! 711- 1 29 Quoted Change 623.16 151.64 .71 85.75 .35 2 p.m.

closing prices. Salet CloH Chte 1 33 1 Xmer TtW 20 IB 1 IhMe RR 13 II; 11 Evevsharp i Va 2fl Mil-- 130 30 7 9 10 Mor Fair Whit ralrchZn Fairi Fin Fanateel Fedd Corp Fed Sir Fcrro Cp Fibre Pan Firestone Firestone wl 3 Flrslamei- M. Firth Cpl Flintkolt Fla Pw Fin fc Food Fair Food Mach Ford Mot Forem Dalr Fost Wheel Freept Sul Frueh Tra 35 4 29 i 1 17 li 45 4 2 i li r' ii 13 7 19. 1J5 10 100 89 69 Gamble 4 Gar Wood 1 Gnrrett I Am Tran 8 Dronze Gen Cable 14 Controls Gen Dynain Gen Elec Gen Fds Gen InstfU Gen Mtlli 111 30 30 S2 1011 2711- li 43 I i Gen 367 Gen Cem 'Gen Prec Gen Pub Ul Gen R.v SlK Gen Really Gen Hefrae Tel Tel Gen Tire Pac Cp Gerbcr Prod Getty Oil Gillette Glmbel Glen Aid Glldden Gaebel Br Goodrich Goodyear rGrace li Co GrajyCSt! 15 28 8 11 75 18 13 1 15 IB II 210 13 23 er 33 17 13 1 1 a i 3 A i I Ire Ore I a GlNo Ry Greyhound. 13 Grurn Airc Gulf Mob 0 9 GuU Oil 10J Halliburton Harb Walk.

'Harris Int HercPdr Hertz HeydenNpt Hilton Hot Elect Holland JTomestk Honolu Oil Hooker Ch Hook; Ch pf .50 Hotel Cp pf HousehTin Houst Howe Snd Hud Bay Hupp Cp 3 3 48 U- 3 .4 12 29 -HI 47 53 li 1711 Kl 4Hi- 661V-4-. 33 '3711-I- 11 2311- 11 491i '-i 1711- Vi 2411- V. 40 Vt 37 11 30 so 3 131 87 14 20 --1 SSJS Idaho PW' Ideal Cem 111 1 Cent! I Pw' Indust nay, Ini Rand: inland Stl Inspir Cop Interlak Ir Ir)t Bus Mch Int Harv Int Miner In! Nick Int Paper IntShoe Int Silver IntTelTcl 112 Intertt Sir 7 Iowa PA-I, 13 JohnA Man JonesiL Joy Mfg 1 Kaiser Al Kan P4-L. Kan Sou KanPiL Kennecott Kern IA Kcrr McGee KlmbCllr Kresge SS Kress SH Kroger Leai- Lehlgh CN Leh Port Val RR Lehman Lerrier Sir LOF Glass, Lib McNL ZjRgMy Lily Tulip Litton Ind Airc Locvv's Inc 11 as Lone Cem Lone Gns LoneS Gas, 12 Long Isl Ll 12 Loweniteln 6 LukensStl 42H- Vi 40 i 313V-- Ji 415 49ji- no .3411 --1 47 74V1- 421 i 4 7 i 47H- la 751i- 311i- 11 31 li- 3 173; -r ik 21'ii- BUI- 2711- I 4 i 373i- Ji 3 Hi Mack Trk Macy Macma Cop Magriavox Marine "Mid Marsh Field- Martin Co May DStr Maytag JtcCall McCro McL, McDon Air McGi.w Ed McGrawH Mclntyie McKtss A- Mead Cp Melv Shoe Merr ChS Mesta Mch Miami Cop Middle Ut Mpl5 Hon Mpls Mol Minn MAf Minute Mission Cp Mission Dev Mo Kan Tex, Mo Psc A Monsan Ch Mont Ul MohlWard Mot Prod Motorolii Munsingw 31 li 4 7 i 3Mi- 'ft. 67 27 17 li 5715 5,1 -1 I25H 3W 201 1 8 43 -1 23 11 153 -114 Nat Airlln Nat AVial Nat Disc Nat'Cash Nil Dairy, .9 Nat'Lead NatSlcel Nat Tea TheaT.

Natomas NewZh'g El Ncwmont 14 NY Air Brk 3 NY Central NY NY NHHart NIa Pow 39 7 1 11 sail-- SSli-, IV 97 i 85 li- 1911 lOli- 2011 i 70 -1H 11 30 11 321, 6 i Silts Cloae Chjte No Am Av li Nor Pac 12 14 a 30 Norlhrop li Alrlln 17 OhloEdls Ohio Oil Okla GE Okla Gai Ollri Math Oliver CP I Outb Mnr Owens Cm; i Gl i Pac GiEl Pac Ltz PacTT Pac TT pf Pac Tin Pan A Air Param Plct Park? Da a Penn Dlx Penney. JC PennsaU pa PwLt Pa HR Peoples Gas Pep5l Petrol Cp Pfizer PhclJJS Phil RU Phllc-0 Phil)i Mor Phlll Pet Plllsbury Pitricv Bow Pit Wate Pit Steel Pittston'Co Polaroid Proce Pub Sv Colo Pub Sv EfcG PubSv Ind Publick Ind Pullnnin Pure OH HCA RCA Rayonler Raltheon Rellan El Repub Av Rcpub Plcl Repub Stl Revere 'Revlon nex Drujf. Rcyn Met Rey Tob Rheem Mf Rhodesfan nichfld Oil Rob pulton Rock Std Hohr Airc Royal Dut Royal McB Ruberold Ryan Aero SOU- li 30 84i-2 80 91 6111-Hi 3111- 3M1- 27 -3111 i 12 115li 2711 25 11 IB IB 6S 13 55 7 13 14 is 4 87 -1 38 170 3M 17 a li 1514- 57 -1 2911- 3311 3111- 3811- 54H 9118 9 3411 65 3 39 37 3 10 2 77 I I 18 24 33 32 18 77 I I 23' 1 3 I I 1 4 4 8 Safeway St 32 San i 4 SI Reg Pl'p' 39 San Diego G' SavArms. Schenley Scherlng Schlck Scott Pap Screw kcBolt 1 a A 24 Seab Finan Sears Roeb Servel Sham Sharon SU Shell Oil Shell Tran Simmons'- Sinclair. Skelly Oil Smith.

AO Smith KF. Solar Airc So Am GP So CarEiG So Sup Sou Cal Edis Southern Co Sou Pac Sou Ry Swest PS Sparton Cp Spen Chem Spcro' Rd Spiegel Square Std Brand Std Oil Cal Std Oil Ind Std Std Oil Oh Stand Pkg Stan War a Ch Stcrl Drue Stevens. JP. Stew War Stoke Van StoneAW Stud Bak Sunbeam Sunray Sunsh Mn SwlftiCo Tenn Gas Texaco Tex Prod Tex Sul Tex Ins Tex CO Tex UII1 Thatch Gl Yhlokol Thomp RW Tidewat Oil Tide Oil pf- 14 4 47 34 178 3 14 30 33 4 582 8 30 9 el 38 45 36 53 I 4S3J-- 43 13! j-- ieii-- ii 40li 19 36 4Mi-- 10' 301i-- 11 3311 2111 45 li 341J 3911--'li li SOU li ii 3 471-4- 39''- i' 2011-- I' 6U-'l I 56H- 1 1 so 715- 1 221.37*i+ 1 33 SS'A- '40M 46H-'l 1 31U- 1 3 7 1 i 605011 1 28 1 in 57'i 6 1 1 -3 4511- ly A HOC) 1 P. M.

Alleg Cp -wt i Electron Am Petrol A Ark Gas Oil Burker Brot Barnei pit Br. Pclra Bunk Hill El Pw Calv 4 So Pet Jcnco Inst Oil 'Inry Cp. Con Mng Crane Carrier Doug Oil DuMont Lab Dynam Am Cl Bond Sqully Cp Eureka Cp Folich Cam Oils Fclmonl Petto Flying Tlcer Yel Films Hecla Mln loffman Ind. A Home.Oil Imp "Oil Ins. Co.

of N.A. i Kalwr Ind Kirby Petro Meaci Johnson Mennjco Iron Molybden Mtn St TT N. J. Zinc CP Pac Clay Pac-Pet Ltd Panroaat hoenix Steel Prest T. -Recvci Snd noyai on Sapphire Pel Scurry Rain Shat Denn Sherwln-Wms Silver Creek Prec.

Elnzcr MI Sonotone Technico Tri Cont wt Ch United Canio OfcC Waltham Prec Webb Knapp Wllion Bros. i 35 1711 31 164. 17 7211- it 22 94' 15 Timk Bear 26 Toledo Ed Trancamer'' Tri Cont TruaxTra Twent Cen Bag Un Carbide' Un Cal UnPac Un Pac pf Un.Tank 5 Unit Air Lin 27 Unit Airc 40 UnltBisc Unit Carbon Unit Fruit Un Gas Cp Unit Ind Cp UnitIndCpPf'24 i 7 US Borax US For US US Gypsum US Hub US Smelt US Steel Un Whelan. Univ Plct UUhPL- 21 li- 1 64 1 6 1 4 2611-- 26 21 3fl 1 31 13511--3, 22 3611-- 45 1 54 8 5 3111 3711 10 34 25 1 711 77 fi 1 19 17 119, 13 I v-'- Vanad Cp 9 Vlck Chem in Vulcan Mat I I 34U 2614 6 4 1 92 --3 sail-- 9011-- M''-- ii 30 1 Rff.i I 1 a Walker. WIworth Warn Pic WPenn El Air West Mary West Pac West Un Tel Weslg A Bk Wcstg El Weslr El wl i Wheel Sll: While Mot' While-Sew Wilson fc Co Dixie 'Wlic'n Pw Woolworlh 1 Worthingtbrl- Wyan.Wor 39 ,1311 i sail .16 35 12 3011 I I 140 24 19 1 0 4 21 5016 IS' 2 7 I21i 18 38 i j43 4 ,3811 ,5911 3 3 -1.

1 1. a Tow. 16 'YnftstShT 33 120 1 1 Had -M 1 oSHU -NNUU COTTON firm on who, the i ''IV-'Vi crop little with through 10 a bait lower to 50 cents higher; than previous, cloac. M.13,' May. AMERICAN STOCKS 711 331', ild Pren PHICtS I 13 Ian 10 7 12 3 3 3K '2 11 I 5.1 3, 14 13 3 1 5 74 67 32 i 17.

1 4 4 11 4 532' 1 10 4 19 7.SO 1.1 I 24i 7 1911 3011 7'i 9 10H 3V, -I 133 4 I ili DIVIDENDS YORK, Jan. 28 declared: Rale--period--stock or rec- oi'd--payable-- REGULAR 25 40 .25 .13 .40 1 3 2 4 2 211 I I 1011 123. 7 33 I 4 45 19 23. I I 1 1 1 HI 50 2B 37 25 JO 2 171 2911 KMi, I loan 54 14 I GRAIN CHICAGO, Wl--The futures market clipped Into general weakness today although It talned few jcattered plus Steepest declines were. In March rye and soybeans, all; down about! cent.

times. The May cori- the same also -were under moderate pressure with lories of most of the. day. CHICAGO, Jan. Open Ayheat: March 2.03 May 2.01 July I 4 Sept.

Dec. Corn; March May July Sept. Dec. Oats: March May July Sept. nye: March- May July Sepl.

i.aa'.i Soybeans; March 2.15 3 May a July 2.1T.4 Sept. 2.09!i-!i, Nov. 2.0611 Lard (drums); March B.57 May 8.92-90 1.87 l.lT.' J.ie'A i.lo .07 1.2S-23',4 1.25 1.26-2511 Ifh- High Low 2.02',! 2.00 2.0IH 2.00'i I 1.8411 l.S7',i 1.86H I i 1.91H 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 i i 1 1 3 1.I6H 1.15V, 1.1011 1.0911 Close 2.005J-3; 2.00? 1.84','. l.S6=, I. SI 3 I 4 i 1.17-17-., 1 1 i i 1 1 1.10 1.55'i 1.28 i 1.2S i' 1.26 I 5 I.M'.l! 2.I6U 2.17li 2.151, Sept.

9.57 2.071i R.57 11.82 8.2S 9.57 S.47 E.90 0.20 9.95 2.095J--U 2.07U-H B. 52-47 B.S2 9.110 3.55 i LIVESTOCK PJiOENIX- (IPf Following made earlier this week previously un- reborted; prices sleady. Two loads avtraEC-cholce I.lOO-lb. slaughter steers 26.50; one load 74 per cent choice- 1.075 cross bred steers 24.75. Six loads mostly cood 470-lb.

slaughter calves 25.00. ior February and March dellvery- KANSAS CITY. -Ian. 29 400; calves none; not enough to tesl prices. Hoss 2.WO; steady to 25 lower; 1-3 200-240 Ibs.

13.M; 140-270 Ibs. 12.75- 13.2S; sows 2-3 400-550 Ibs. 10.75-11.00. Sheep 25; nominal. LOS ANGELES.

Jan. 29 (FSMN 230; slaughter cows slow, range cowi steady, dairybreda weak; Mgti cutler and low utllily ransc cows high utility and com- 16.75-17.00; heifer U'pe 13,00: utility dalrybreds 14.00-15.00; caaners and cutters 11.50-13,50. Calves 10; nominal. Hogs 25; nominal. Sheep none; good mostly xIid smooth wooled replacement ewes 170 Ib.

7.50. METALS NEW-YORK, Jan. 29--(JP)--Spot nonferrous metal loday: Copper 33 cenls a pound, Connecticut Valley. Lead 12 cents pound. New York.

Zinc IS cents a pound. East St. Louis, Tin ll.OOJi a pound, New York, foreign ailver centi per troy ounce, New York. Udall Urges Gaiiado Site As National Park Stewart L. (D-Ariz) has urged, passage of his bill to make the Hubbell Trading Post at Ganado, a national historic sile.

told the House Public tands Subcommittee yesterday that (the is the earliest and most outstanding trading nns( in the.vSouthwest. He added that it contains valuable collections of guns, and other Indian art of the Interior Departmerit. also appeared before in support of the- would. permit ad ditibn of the iiroperty to the national', park system. subcommittee took no action on measure.

Mexicans Still Neied (Goods goods and food: stuffs are heeded for flood- stricken families in the states- of -Sonora and. Sportsman's Club of Phoenix' has been' conducting'- a drive- i the Phoenix'; area for the relief of' displaced per-' the flooding Yaqui, Mayo Fuerte Rivers. Club spokesmen that more'bedding and 'powdered milk are needed. Calif Ink Chain Belt Mmnavox McDerroolt, Ji- Twent Cent rox Govt Employ .23 Silver 73 Interest Eiixlneer .10 IOWM Pow L.I Iowa PL. M.80 1 2 0 Iowa PL, 4.35 1.0875 Manhattan, Shirt i Nat Dlstlllert .30 Nat Dljfllll pf 1.0623 Std Brands Sid Brands pf 873 Unit Biscuit Unit Biscuit pf 1.123 Copper "Range Gen i a 20 Lykes Bros SS a Simmons Co Un Tank Car 40 Clark controller 25 Elastic Stop Nut .23 Elec Auto Lite .60 Mass Bond I .40 a Perm .35 Sheaffer Pen AfcB.

.15 Wvand Worsted Ajnew Sur Shoe .17 a 0 Beth' Steel 60 Beth Steel pi 1.75 Bush Term Co 10 Carrier Corp .40 Carrier 4.50 pt 5623 Carrier 4.8 pf oin I Credit 70 Durlrcm Co 25 Harb Walker Refrac Knrb Walk Rcf Imper Color mil Petrol .30 Jones Laush Stl. .625 Jones Stl Pt A 1.23 Mpis st'ijouis ny .35 Nat Key Co A 15 Nopoc Chem 3.1 Nopoc Chem Pf l.W Portsmouth Corp 1 5 Rheem Rheem 1.125 Fin .24 Slgnode Stl Strap .25 Slunode Strap .825 Stand Oil Cal 50 i i Co 40 US Play Card 273 A Mass Bond Ins .20 2-3 Portsmouth Corp .60 2-10 US Play Card 20 3-11 STOCK McDermott, Jr mi Bulh Tei-m Co. 2 Seaboard Find tt 3-15 2-10 3-12 3-26 3-IS 3-15 2-10 2-11 2-15 2-15 3-1 2 1 1 4-S tf-D 2-15 2-28 2 1 9 2-9 2-2-1 4-1 3-3 2-3 2-15 2-J 2-15 2-IS i-a 2-15 2-15 2 1 5 3-1 2-13 2-9 4-8 3-11 2-10 2-9 3-4 2-11 3-1 3-H 2-13 2-10 2-10 2-10 3-17 2-10 2-10 2-10 3-7 3 1 1 3-15 2-25 3-15 3-31. 3-31 3-2i 3-1 J-2S 3-23 4-1 4-1 3-1 3-1 3 1 5 3-15 3-15 3-1 4 1 5 3-1 3-15 3-10 3-10 3-1 3-15 4-15 3-19 2-15 3-1 2-15 2-29 3-V 3-1 3-1 4-1 3-31 3-1 2-29 2-29 3-31 3-10 3-1 4-20 3-23 3 1 0 3-10 4-1 2-20 3-10 3-21 3-1 3-10 3-1 4-10 3-1 3-1 3-10 4-1 4-1 3 1 5 2-25 4-1 3-31 5-9 EARNINGS NEW YORK, Jan. Wl--Air ncduc- llori reported Thursday 1950 proiit edsetS I14.8J0.600.

of $3,31 thare. Irom I13.359.SS5. or a share, in J9J8. California Electric -Powci Co. for year ended Dec.

31: 1DM I95H Net Income t3.615.587 4.MD.23S A share 1-15 1.14 Columbus Southern Ohio' Electric Net Income 6.BB2.637 A share, l.Vl Crucible Steel Co. of America: Net Income 106.443 4.274.783 A share 1.50 1 1 3 Frecport. Sulphur Nel Income I 4 4 7 7 7 6 13.034.067 A share 1.93 1.74 LIbby-Owens-Kord Glass Net Income 153.743,152 A share 5.13 2.05 New England'Telcphpne Telegraph Net income 148.738,247 4I.91S.469 A shale 2.21 2.07 a i a Power St Llcht Ncl Income 1 2 5 2 7 0 4 22.660,753 A share- 1.73 1 6 1 SAN A I a 2 4 H'J--South- ern Pacliic Co. Thursday veported 25 per cent Increase In 1959 a i over 1958. Earnings totaled i60.750.I06, equal lo $2.57 3 compared i 707,313.

equal to a share, the previous year. Gross revenue tolalcd $630.316,052, up Irom JM8.813.718. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 28 (iff-- Jones ii Lauehlln Steel Corp. Thursday reported Its 1059 net Income was equal lo $3.3,1 a share, compared to $23,198,000 or $2.79 a share In 1953, DETROIT.

a 23 American Motors Corp. sold Thursday ll earned net profit of J12.216.935 taxes in the three months ending Dec. 31, equalled a share. Earnings before income, taxes were 127,158,665 as compared wllh $21.052.168 in the same period of when no taxes on income were required because of the carryforward of operating losses o( prjor years. The company said its net sales in the three-month period were 1261,303.076 against 1103.743.67} in the first quarter of 1953.

OVER-THE-COUNTER The price! below, furnished by members of the National Association of Securities Dealers, do not represent actual tirtiisaciions. They are a RUlrte lo Ihe ransc wilhln which Ihcsc sc- curilfcs could have been Bold i ajid bought (nskedl as Ihe lime oi compilation. BANKS 5-1 5-1 A A I Euan SU Cp pf A 1.75 4-8 Eastn Cp pf I 5 0 4-8 I I I A Mac Mill Bloed Pow DIv IS 9 3-15 Allied Chcm new 2 1 1 3-10 Norwich Pharm new .20 Z-10 a I I A Dai Mines .15 2-15 '-M Stind Oil NJ .55 2-3 3-10 I A Aikman .30 Z-lli 3-t Nat Bellas Hess 173 2-13 2-20 riexitalr Tubing 3- 3-15 KLM Roy DIM AIr.l.C« I A i fc Co .25 V7 -l FOREIGN EXCHANGE MUTUAL FUNDS NEW YORK. Jan. 26 if)--Natl.

Assn. Securities Dealers, Bid Asked Aberdeen Fund 2.08 A i i a Fund 7 1 4 Am Business Shrs 4.01 4.23 Am Inv Fd 13.65 13.C5 Am a Fund fl.SJ Atom Dev a 5.24 5 7 3 Axe jlfoushlon Fd A S.S4 6.02 Axe Houchlon Fd 6-27 S.90 Boston Fund H.32 in." Broad Street Invest 12.21 13-20 Bullock Fund I-W H.o* Canada Gen Fund 13.75 14.16 Canadian Fund 16.79 U-I6 Cdn Int Growth 9.6.1 10.57 Century Shrs Trust 8-S6 3.60 Chemical Fund 10.75 11.63 Colonial Encr 12.49 13.65 Colonial Fund 10.2! 11.16 Comwlth Income 02 9.60 Comwllh Investment 9 3 1 10,12 Comwlth Stk Fund 14,80 16.09 Cons invest Trust 17.7S 13.25 Delaware Fund H-55 Divers Growth Stk 9.IB 10.C6 Divers Invest Fund 8 "1 5- Dividend Shares 288 3,16 Dreyfus Fund 13.77 ll.T! Eaton A How Bal Z2.cs Baton ft How Slk 23.56 25.13 Eleclronlr.5 Invesl 7.47 8 1 6 Fidelity 'Fund 1E.63 F. I. 465 Founders Mut Fund 10.35 1S.25 Fundamental Invest S-05 Group Sec Avia-El B.63 9,51 Group Sec Chemical 13.08 14.32 Group Sec Com Slock 12.35 1352 Group Sec Pelrol 8.53 10.44 Hamll Fd HC7 5-02 i-48 llamil Fd HDA 4.35 no Income Fund Boston 8.07 B.82 Incorporaled Income S.18 10.03 Incorp Investors 8-72 9.43 instil Bank Fund 13.26 no Instil Found Fund 10.61 11.61 Instil Growth Fund 10.85 I I 8 Instil Income Fund 6.57 7.19 Instit Insur Fund 12-44 no Investment Co Amer 10.22 1 1 1 7 Keystone Cust I a a i a Cust 2 unavailable Keystone Cusl 3 'unavailable Keystone Cust Keystone Fund unavailable Knickerbocker Fund 6.28 6.80 KnlcKerbock Grth 6.08 6.65 ILoomls Say Mutual 42.97 12.97 Mass Investors Trust 11.99 14.04 Mass Investors Growth 13.60 14.70 Mutual Trust'. 3-33 3.62 Natl Investors 12.13 13.76 Nat Sec Ser Balan 10.64 1I.C3 Nal Sec Ser Div 4.11 4.49 Nat Sec Ser Pref Stk 7.95 a.70 Nat Sec Ser Income 6.23 6.81 Nal Sec Ser Stock 6.61 9.41 Nat Sec Ser-Growth 8.34 9.11 One Wm St 350 Pioneer Fund 8.69 9.45 Puritan Fund TM5 Putnam Geo Fund 13.63 15.W Putnam Grth Fd 18.26 19.85 IStUdder St 4: Clark 18.29 18.29 tScud Si Ck Com Stk 9.16 9.16 Streit Investment 35.00 37.00 Telev Elect Fund 15.33 16.76 Texas Fund S--" 1 Unit Accunri Fund U-17 Unit Conl Fund '-39 8-04 Unil Income Fund 10.57 11-49 Unit Science Fund I 3 10 14 Unit Fund Canada 15.73 17.15 Value ilne Income FtJ 5.43 i.93 Value Line Spl Sit 3.68 4.24 Wellington 13.64 14.87 Whitehall Fund 2 2 '1 25 Wisconsin Fund 5 -8' 33 Quotations lurnlilied by National Association" of Securities Dealers, Inc.

a they do not necessarily reflect Ljtual transactions or firm or offers' but should Indicate approximate prices, and unless otherwise Indicated, quoted by the sponsors issuers. PRODUCE NEW YOHK, Jin. M'lifl--doling foreign cxchanut (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents mnd decimals of a cent): Thurs. i nay Canada in NY 104.0375 105.0023 Crcal Britain Z.80M 2.8022 Great Britain 30 day fulurcs 2.3M4 2.80W Great Britain 60 day futures 2.8023 Great Britain 00 day 2.802Z Belgium a 2,0060 France a J0.1JW, Germans' (western). deutsche mark M.M Holland (guilders) 26,3025 I a (UrnI Portugal (cscudnt 3.10 Sweden (krom) 13-32 Switzerland (franc) (free I 2-t-M Denmark 14.50 A I A I A Argenllna (peso) (fi'ee) 1.22 Brazil (cruzeiro) i -5fl Mexico (peso) Venezuela i a A EAST: Honif Kong a 1 3 7 OVER THE COUNTER Bank of- A i a Bnik 'of Doujilns l.SO Bank of Phoenix Bank of Tucson Bankers -Tr.

N. Y. WOO Chase Man. N. Y.

$2.40 Cilz. Nntl. L. A. Cont.

llli ChSO.r»4.00 I5l Null. City N.Y. $3.00 1st Ariz. Sil.30 Irvine Tr. N.

Y. Sl.60 fcrgan Gunr. N.Y. $3.20 Mfrs. TT.

N. Y. $2.20 Sec. 1st Natl. L.A.

Jl-60 Bid Asked 4 8 5 1 3011 11 25 93! 64H BCi; 4 0 6'21i So. Ariz. Bank Tr. 60 Valley Nail. Phx.

51.00 INSURANCE COMPANIES Bid Bid 102 9 Bid fiS'i Gil', Bid 5511 17U 3 10'i JOS, 33 2.8020 2,0015 20.3650 2.1.08 26.5C50 3.511 19.32 23.10 14.SO 1.22 02 29.94 17.57 GOV'T. BONDS NEW YORK, 28 CloslnB ovor the U. S. Treasury bonds: Bid i -T-- fiO 65-60 T--2 3 Bl 9S.6 asked-- nel change and 3.5!) 9 I 6 98.18 -IS R5.8 97.2 97.S 96.10 94.28 1 2 A 4.57 4.67 i .6 4.55 4.fi2 T-- 2VI 61 T-- 62-5!) June 94.24 T-- 62-59 Dec 93.18 03.22 T-- 2(is 63 .1 92.26 92.30 4.6 ,4.69 T-- JS'M 93.26 93.30 4.69 65 90.14 90. 4 7 1 T-- 3s 66 SO, 30 81.2 -I- .4 4.58 T-- 67-62 85.4 66.12 T-- 2'is 66-63 83.24 84 T-- 69-64 83 83.

4.70 4.73 Aclna Fire $2.60 72li Beneficial Std. S.40 ISl'n Franklin'Life tl.80 8014 a i 53.00 190 Home Ins. N. Y. 12.00 sal', Jefferson SI.25 9411 Maryland Cas.

11.30 30U Nail. L-lfc Px 211 i I i i Tr. J1.75 43 U. S. Life 39 I I A Albcrlson's H'j Amer.

Cem'cnl Jl.OO' 22li Expicss tl.OO 41'j Amer. Mary 11.00 Anheuser Busch J1.20 2514 Ardcn Farms fl.OO 1611 Ariz. Bancocp 25 Arlr.ona Cdlbrfilm i Arrowhead Pur. 24H Adz. Forl.

$.50 81. Arii. Land Bnylcss $.60 Bonanza Howslcr Pspei- 1.14 Brunswig Drug 1.90 Bullock's SI.20 Calrcy Bnkci-y t'40 Cadn. Sup, OH Colo. Oil Consol.

Frt. J.80 Cross Co. Delhl-Tay Oil Frlfjlkar 1 4 0 Frontier Airlines a C.lnnt Port. Cem. Si 00 Glasspar Green Mt.

Uran (Justin Bacon t.40 Intcrsl. Mtr. i 1.60 Kalsar Slccl S.40 Kcarncy-Treclkcr Levy 150 Ling Altec -Lone Stnr Slccl Fuel Perm. Cem. J.70 Photon Pubco Petro Rare Metals Jl.50 Rose Mnrlc Reid J.60 Shopping Bag Tekoil i T.l.M.E.

Inc U. S. Servatcri.l '-50 Van's Grocery $.40 West a a Weyerhauescr $1.20 West Gold Uran UTILITIES Aril. Pub. SCIY Sl.M a i I Tel.

S.70 Calif Ore, SI-60- Calif. Pnc. Calif. Water Scrv. $1-20 i B.

$.53 Colo. I Gas $1.25 Gas Service $1.52 Pac. Pwr. Porl. Gcn'Elcc.

$1.20 Pub. Ser. N. M. S.8! Sierra Pac: -Pwr.

$1.40 So. Ncv. Pwr. $1.10 So. Union Gas $1.12 Texas Eas, Trans.

$1.40. Thice SI. Nat. Gns Trans. Gas Pipe 00 Tucson Gas 1.75 West Coasl Tel- Cpl Finney Wasn'l Lost After All SOUTHAMPTON, England--UP! The troopship Empire Fowey a "man overboard" alarm for missing Lance Corporal Fred Finney.

Finney was found four hours later sleeping in the cafeteria where he said the T-- 4s 69 95.24 69-64 Dec T-- 70-65 2 I 2 82.20 T-- 71-68 81.28 82.4 T-- 71-67 June 81.28 B2 T-- 71-67 Sepl 81.4 81.12 T-- 2'is 72-67 Dec 81. 2S 82.4 T-- 74 33.16 93.24 T-- 4s 80 94.12 94.20 T-- B3-13 B3.4 T-- 85 82.24 83 T-- 3Hs 90 81.28 85.4 T-- 3s 95 81.20 81.28 No 3.96 Prices quoted in dollars and thirty seconds. T-- Subjecl lo lederal taxes but not to state Income taxes. I .8 4.73 1 4 4.51 1 8 4.67 -KB 4.67 4.4 4.56 4.8 4.47 4.8 4.32 4.8 4.45 4.4 4 4 1 -r .4 4.40 4.4 4.3B 1.4. 4.40 Coffee NEW YORK, Jan.

38 1ST--CoJfee spot Santos No. 4 ex-dock closed at 37.OCA. Cost and freight oflcrlnss Include Sanloa Bourbons 3s at 36.75A and is 35.75A. futures closed 10 lo 20 lower: Mar. 3D.SON; May 36.26N; July 35.S5N: Sept.

tt.SON': Dec. 34.70. futures closed 13 lower to 40 higher: Mar. 45.0SN: May 45.05; 44.90; Sept. 44.80N: Dec.

43.10. A--Asked: N--Nominal. COTTONSEED MEAL MEMPHIS, Jan. 28 (iT-- Col- lonsced meal, built, Juture Quotations, prime 41 per cent protein basis: March 54.00-flat; May 53.60-54.00; Sept. 52.00-32.50; Oct.

41.50-52.50; Dec. S1.SO-5J.30. COTTONSEED OIL NEW VOHK. Jan. 13 tf-- Blcachable cotlomccd oil futures closed 4 lower to 2 higher: Mar.

11.6a; May 11.77B; 11.88; Sepl. 1I.62B; Ocl. 1 1 4 4 Dec. 11.44; Mar. and May 11.50.

i HAY, FEED LOS ANGELES. 21 tH'l-- A a a and grain hay unchanged. Carlot arrivals: 9 whtal, 10 barley. 3 corn, I onis. rrillo, 13 flour, 11 cereal, 32 hay.

i LOS ANGELES. W'(Pl--Elsa unchanged consumer laruc 39-57. Live'pou'Hry, volume prices, Jan. 27. i Fryers 65,500 i 5 ct I 9 pet hens It wu 37.000 held, -K 7 3 pel 714.

is pet crosses J.200 head, 35 pet .3, S2 pet IO.M3 pet H. HOLIDAY HOUSE CAFETERIA 1145 A Blk. N. of Speedway COMPLETE LUNCHEON DRYGOODS Jan. 29-- Tlie' 'eol- on marktl was jjlchlly mort grenltr Intereit In jorhe print cloth numbers; tor third quarter delivery spot held prices unchanged.

market. ttulet. rayon market was Includes Meat Course, PcXatoes, Vegetable, Hot Homemade Roll, Butter and Beverage Luncheon a.m. to 241. I5c 28V.

48 18 21 -l 12 84' 198 55 101 1Z' 1 "23 47', 38 18 27'', IV, 22 nv. .10 ii me 20 20'i 23V4 The Daily Investor By WILLIAM A. DOYLE subscribe to several finan- m'i 6'A SS 27 24 10 I'D 1ST, 35 22 37 Bid 22 26J 25T1 ship's roll didn't bother him as cial magizines. 1 think they are pretty good. But I'm really not sure because sometimes they use the English language in ways that is Greek to me.

The latest term to confuse me is "selling on balance." Can you tell me what this means? can you give me one-good reason why most Wall Streeters (not you) can't use words in a way everybody would understand? A-- To take the second question first, no, there isn't any excuse for some of the weird language used in the financial district. 1 agree with you that some of it is much too confusing. Words are tools. They should be used to inform--not confuse. But you will have to admit that the financial district isn't alone in this fault.

Did you ever listen to doctors, lawyers, machinists or any other group "talk So, don't put the blame exclusively on Wall Street. Much of the odd-ball language used in the financial district can be figured out-- if you simply put some thought into it. "Selling on balance," for instance, might sound as if it is some kind of an acrobat's trick. But it isn't. It means only that, at a certain time or over a period of time, an investor sold more securities than he purchased.

If a certain financial institution, during a three-month, period, sold $2 million worth of common stocks it had previously purchased and, during the same three months, reinvested less than $2 million in different common stocks, it would be said that the institution "sold common on balance during the quarter." The quarter, of course, is the three months-- one a of a year. I have heard the stocks of electronics companies referred to as "glamour stocks." Does this mean that, at their current market prices, these stocks have inspired a a confidence on the part of investors? A-- Glamour stocks are those attracting the most attention, getting the biggest play in market trading and showing the biggest increases in prices. These days the glamour stocks are those of electronics companies and those with, a a in space exploration, -rockets and the like. However, other groups have held the glamour stocks title in the past and still others may acquire it in the The electronics and space-age stocks won't stay in the limelight forever. Does this mean a the present crop of glamour stocks are over-priced? Some are.

Some are not. Your i i that they may have "inspired unwarranted confidence" is a high-sounding way of saying that the most popular slocks are the ones difficult to figure out. Q-- How can 1 get complete information about the New York Stock Exchange's Monthly Investment a A-- You can get all the details on MIP (through which it is possible to invest as little as $40 month or every three months in any of the stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange) from any member i of that exchange. (Mr. Doyle will answer only representative letters of genera! interest in his column.

He cannot answer phone queries.) 1960 Mann Low Bidder On Observatory A bid of $226,403 was low yesterday for an addition to the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory. Mann Construction Co. submitted this bid. No members of the Board of Regents' were present for the bid opening and no action was taken. "The bid was somewhat higher than the sum we had allocated for the structure," Kenneth Murphy, UA comptroller, said.

"It will be a question of seeing if we can come up with additional funds." The addition lo the observatory will be constructed just east of the present observatory. The university's 36-inch telescope is being moved to the Kitt Peak National Observatory site on the mountain 40 miles southwest of Tucson. Other base bids received yesterday included: Ashlon Co. M. M.

Sundt Construction M. J. Lang, J. A. Binns, and Lynch Engineering, $239,930.

Income Property Brand New Leased 15,192 Blacklidge Arms, 1515-1533 BlacWidgc Dr. Close to Campbell Plaza Shopping Schools. 10 minutes (o downtown--5 minutes to of A. Ten deluxe two bedroom aparlments--2 furnished and 8 unfurnished, each with: Carport Storage Room Exquisite Patio Ramada Central Heating Cooling Many Built-in Features Heated Filtered Pool Laundry Room Metered Equipment This property, priced at approximately 6y 2 times annual in- I come is a sound conservative investment with a splendid opportunity for ir.creased.income and appreciation. Excellent financing available with one-third down.

For inspection or informalion see or phone Arnold Hirsh, builder-owner. EA 5-2931 or MA 3-4411, who will be on prem- ises at 1515 E. Blacklidge Dr. from noon to p.m. today through Monday.

'C'-li makes mimeo stencils from original copy by UV Drawings Halftones Charif Typing Letterheads Forms Bulletins Turn your Stoicil Duplicator into it. small printing press with this amazing service. PASTE-UP LAYOUTS, loo A i printed, typed, or drawn, or coin bine as layout', can be i translated into a'stencil which will i i a reproduce amazingly faithful copies on your own duplicator. 24 Hour Service A FETTERLY 191 E. Broadway MA.

"3-7561 Hepalilis School Lunchrooms ECLECTIC Mr-All' iChoot lunchrooms in Elmoro County, outbreak of infectious, hepatitis, outbreak of infectious hepatitis a liver infection commonly, called juandice. School Stiptv Ross McQueen said 62 cases had been reported in the county, The: lunch; rooms were ordered-closed indefinitely, 300 first and. second grade pupils' yesterday. A state health office said about will be vaccinated against thU contagious disease. Interest on: First Northwest PROFIT INST.

whlcht der construction a 3 and West Northern, Glendale, Ariz. Interest on and Started as of Jan. Denominations of $100, $500. $1000, $5000 Our local bank is Trustee and will handle all interest. CONTACT GLORIA HALE Yellowstone 9-2101 33 S.

2nd Ave. Glendale, Arizona Waist OR I 69 Offices Coast to Coast and Overseas MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and other Principal Stock and Commodity, and Over the Counler Stocks ftlutual Funds and Bonds 303 ARIZONA LAND TITLE, BLDG. TUCSON MA 2-3551, OPKN SATURDAYS, 1 lo NOON A ft SHOP A I FOR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MARKET INFORMATION' A a i Answering Sfrrice) Day or Dial MA E. F. HUTTOH CO.

Members New York Stock. Exchange Pacific Coast Stock Exchange. and other leading Security and Commodity Exchanges STOCKS AND BONDS COMMODITIES AND MUTUAL FUNDS 2 0 I A I 2 2 87 1 Pioneer Hotel OPEN A A 9 A NOOM Helping build, your-financial HOGLE CO. ew Yofk Sloct ond Olhei 8 (AcquireJ Henry Dablhtrg Co in 195?) Complete investment service, including boardroom, D. J.

News. Direcl wire to all markets. offices, in New York and throughout the zona Btnk DO jV Siont 2- New Aids for TAXPAYERS Newest, in tax guides offered each" year by the Internal Revenue Service are the I960 editions of Your Federal Income Tax, and Tax Guide for Small Business. treat tax problems which may arise in the preparation of 1959 tax returns at greater length than in- Blruelion booklets received with a forms but in easily understandable language, the service says. (Sample pages from the most used forms, and other re included;) Easily found chapter headings will assist in quick dctcrminavion of specific problems.

Each publication costs 40 cents a may be obtained from Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., or Circulation Department NEWSPAPERS INC. OVER THE MAILED ANYWHERE IN VJ.S.A.

Tucson Daily Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.