The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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-frfir wwwiSii 38 Sunday Herald-Leadar laaday Mutt "A Berlin: Hot Spot In The Cold War Ttay would be swamped la a Bed ML To understand why glance ft West Berlin's strategic position This outpost Bee IIS mites deep to Ctonmuelft Baft Ger-assay to situated ta tee beast ft the biggest eeacfftrattoa ft Bed atmy tones ta Benya United States especially bae bis traasporfs that would require tor fewer flights into tho city Additionally Weft Berita baa food and tad etoekpUeu eufilctaft fbr at least iSx The big gimmick in the way ft aa airlift this time ta tbs changed tntnitw ft the Russians They say they tolerate another air bridge-end that presumably means they would interfere by meam ft radar Jammed and poeiibly with fighter planes AfitBgbta ta and eel ft Weft Berita era eentieUed by four-pewer air safety crater Paring On 1MC-M blockade the Ras- Personals a women wh Daughters ft sting at the La-Hotel am lire Krttar Little Ilia Carl Web 10m llaltie Davie Mrs Louise Alisa Sheet Mrs William Smith Hra Lewie Richards lira Smith Mia ftestou Prise Hra Ova Montand Um Elsai day end Aim William Arthur Mra Bubie Adams Medley will BRiva today far a fivwday risk with her mother Mia Lillie Adams Ml Sooth Addiioa A value and her brother Staley Adams JON Brecheawood DrWe Mra Medley la a graduate af Good Samaritan Hospital School af Waning and is dimeter el stases at (he Southern Fadfie Hospital la Houston Texas Him AMs Wilson SS7 Ebmere Park la visiting her sister Hn Haywood Tuscaloosa Ala BERIJH Much the mstaas Weft Berita tho fighting odds would be (tacked agaturt aay Weatam military effort to pry epea the Hfftinsi to this Isolated city Geography and the military balance fever the Communists A military leaders say tbs West could break thmegh a blockade ft Weft Berita But It' has aft bcea explained how this would he feasible il the Busftam counter with thrir larger forces Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev has warned that Busftan ees will oppose aay air ar ground (ortio into East Germany In Urltnl air uMs The Bmsiaas have had IS yean to transform East Germany into a powerful and possibly impregnable military base area Every dm within Weft Berita surveyed ta by Soviet artillerymen and could be blasted quickly by ondrdtas Bed bn called for Allied troops worid bo compelled to advance Into the heart ft the Russian best area ea an extremely narrow front with ftaaka erpneed to attack from numerically superior forces To block the highway the Rus-riaas could blow up the scone ft culverts oa the lMmDe Uok and the tag bridge ever the Elbe Bluer would be even simpler to dknpt the rafl Bae which usnuaBy brings ta the balk ft to the Western gent Bridges ceuld he htewa strayed tracks rip ped up aad freight train do-nrihhed athwart the ringte-track rellraad would require a major engineering Job under the screes ft thousands ft troops aad fight-planes to keep the highway or the railroad open All ta all if a real shooting war started with the Russian the Allies would probably be too busy protecting Western Europe to pay mud attention to Wert Berita Wert Berlin! hopes for a so-ire future rest man eu the ability ft world rteteemra to beep the peace rather than eu what the fighting men ecu dA plleably to tho safety aad cleared the airlift With hath Baft and Weft ab-vioafty lesry ft war this tongh military talk on tab stdes over Beilin may be Just high-powered bidding leading up to a deni ft the conference table What-is leered mast hers Is Tbs Bumtans -tbta sumahiy will withdraw from the lately enter when they hud over their Berita controls to the East Germans This ta Scheduled for about May 27 Tho alternative to an airlift would be an effort to feres opm the rail lino and highway In Berita the Bumtans are determined to halt this kind ft aa eperetiou into East Gennaay a massive Western ground operation would Western and Soviet ft Weft Berita based today an the window Weet Berlin must look far support to some MOAN Westers air sd grand troops ta West arrayed lor the defense ft Western Europe The city ta linked tenuously to West Gennany by a single-track ran line and a highway both under Soviet control Weft unhampered ae-m to the Weft fe via four air xrldon to the Waft German eklm ft Munich Frankfurt Han-suver and Hamburg was the avaflabBtty ft these air rarridess which eu-shied the West to aaeeft Ms memlvo Hday akilft to lfft-N which finally cracked Ike Ramies had Mockado ft the etty Logistically it would bo much easier today for the Western Allies to supply Weft Berita by air then ft woo ywri ego The Mint Holder Want to fashion dainty hidden for ants and mints at any Had el a shown? Take a mad she lacy paper doily and dip it Is melted pamfla wax As it cods work swiftly and shape it hi the shape el ea umbrella top Attach a pipe cleaner lor a handle heading it to the shape el a lUi can he with melted wax Yen can make these aay color by adding wax crayon to the wax and melt them both together Them umbrellas are quite attractive attached to the aide el a glass cl punch CRITICAL AREA WEST OF BEBUN-TMs West Berita and West Mae raughly Box Score On The Berlin Crisis Tho Samians to crash through tha Weft Berita window it could trigger Worid War HL H-botnbs might toil on the including Russia But if a blockade did ape a (bootleg war with the Wueelam tho A2NAN Weft Berliners and the AmerieeBBrittehEnncfc gar-risoa ft soma MAN troops would have little ehanea ft vamber shows Huaala hm made six basio demands ftw West WOODARD 8 style authority in wrought iron IHB WASHINGTON Of propaganda and ffiplo-i malic niceties the box scon the Berlin crisis adds up ta this i balance: Buesim leads In da I imaads the Went lends in HALE'S PHARMACY An analysis I Historic Market In Paris May Be Moved To Suburbs But the United Staten Britain and France am ahead fear to two la the department All this of course does aot take into account the many Isaacs i aoMssuee which diplomats hits to cell complexities sad the taipoudanbtes" 'But here to simplified fern srs the things Russia wafts i the things the Weft wants 915 So UmnPhoM 5-26121 neats and Mpkenatte I dues the criais hegen left Mo- European sore point The two Geraianim would get tote the act only when the subject of Gentian penes treaty and Weft Berlin's statehood were discussed A A M-netlou conference to accept or reject whatever German peace ticaty to agreed upoe at the summit conference What the West A Big Four foreign mtato-ten meeting deni with the problem ef German to all he aspect! and implications" East sad Weft Germany would (cud advisers A German leualf ieatlea rough free etectkma an agreed upon at the 1959 rammit confer- A race treaty with Carnot a reunified Ger many then Baft Germany A Bacognttlou by the Waft si the axlatenee of Baft Lm Bence ta the smell hours ft the morning for a meal ft onloa soup grilled trotters aad sneils is a favorite to a sight ft revelry While the reft ft Paris sleeps Lee Halles seethes with motion Buriy men In Hue overalls and leather aprons unload tracks piled high with cabbages tan Burgundy fish from Brittany and beef earcueeeu from Nomiaady Buyers and sellers drivers and WASHINGTON Tho city of Pule capital ft fine food hm long (offered from a stomach-ache But a cure ta ta sight The city's market eactioa is knows as Us Halles Since the 12th century food from tho provisoes has flawed into this section oeer the Louvre to be sold to retailers and restaurateurs Emile Zola called It belly ft Paris" and the name stuck For some time critics have charged that Lee Hailes ta rtrauf-ltag the French food taduotiy and causing big markups ta the prism Slenderama Slenderises faster in right spots firms and gives you more pep Takes Off 5 Inches la 5 Visit Or You Pay No Other Method Hae Ever Dared Offer Such Proof Phene 5-41 84 A Reunification ef by the Germane themselves fenbty though at the two regimes A Withdrawal el nil UR British and Fmuch troops from West Berlin with a Weft Independence gnarmteed by the Big Four with a helping hand from the United NatteesL A A Gemma peace treaty but only with a reunified Germany Soviet objections to whatthe Weft wauta boil down to two and the other specific: Moscow says that ta everything the weft has done eo far proposal gets to the heart af the matter A The Kremlin eomplatas that the Weft la imperiling peac rearming Weft Germany the Atlantic Fact and lag tha Weft Germans to housewives most pay The French tnunont ta reported prepar- to move the marketing operations to an outlying 1ms crowded section ft Faria Though condemned by economist Leo Halles has beet popular wkh visitor the Nfttaual Geo-graphic Society sayx A trip to Paris in the Spring is a lovely new hair-do from Elizabeth Arden and eunee Into a general hubbub The air reeks ft red wine: girlie ripe cheese and fish Trading centers in 12 huge teoo-andglam pavilions Through these move almost every fish vegetable aad piece ft meat that Pari consumes and much ft the food eaten eteewhern ta France Deata era concluded amid a giddying swiri ft butchers canytag quarters ft beef hand trucks filled with glistening mackerel and JMIPMM fCraWMRKBp UOVJf- wklte mushrooms and foot-tag cucumbers Silent ohssrvew are theuunds ft befiiddtad snails ea fogntaeg their containers and crawling heaps ft live lobsten waggling suspicious The Parip market came to the rite about the year 111 King Philippe II enlarged it ta 11N sad buUt permanent shelters surrounded by a wall At Tho Western Big Tbreo hove four basis objections to Soviet New Spring merchandise now on display Make your selection from Woodards five frame colors and large assortment of fabrics Place special orders now for early delivery Exclusive In Lexington at $tcuulaL- FURNITURE CO 221 East Main Phone 2-21 80 troop from Waft Berita would leave fly city helpless Island surrounded by communism A Thu May 27 deadline Is an ultimatum awl tho Weft refuses to negotiate with gun pointed at tta heed Bussia grudgingly has dropped Us objections to a foreign ministers meeting But it attached eon-ditiooi that such a meeting be limited to three mouth and that Poland and Chechoslovakia aim attend The Weft appeals ready to accept both conditions Aay Gemma conMeratioa worid only prolong the division af Germany thereby prolonging the threat of war A Soviet plane to tun Weft Berita over to East Germany by May 27 would encourage the Bait Gemmae to block the access to BesJta thereby A Western withdrawal Bonjour Paris At first glance a carefree hair-do but behind this insouciance lies one of the moat careful and artful of shapings An artist's fingers carve the feathery effect of thie coif gently place tendrils over the temple and cut the wave in tiers (a ipedilty of the Elizabeth Arden Silon) Let this hair-do be your wey of welcoming Spring with one of the new head-hugging hate to how it oflL Do it now your appointment is si near as your telephone Phone 22210 for your appointment sterling silver serving pieces WITH SHEFFIELD STAINLESS STEEL BLADES 2 3 1 Open Monday Evenings Til Nine ortesi Mas IMsrsl tea MAIN FLOOB.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.