Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society (2024)

Just like the Apartment / Cartiervita areas, the areas in the Grand Cathedral are going to be Randomly Generated, and will function similarly to them, but now there are more gameplay mechanics for you to consider.Be mindful that the Grand Cathedral is, quite frankly, hell, and will be a real headache for you.
Thankfully There is a Convenient Method to Cheese this Dungeon.
If you're interested, please check How to Cheese the Grand Cathedral
Explanation of the Mechanics in the Grand Cathedral:
3651 Floors:

The game does not lie; the Grand Cathedral does consist of 3651 randomly generated floors, making the prospect of completing every single one of them very daunting.
  • Every 365 floors, you will get a cutscene, and that unlocks an elevator that takes you to a specific floor accessible on Year 1.
    • Even if you're not interested in using the elevator, you are advised to at least check it out, as right before the elevator, there's a chest containing powerful equipment for you.
    • You do need to unlock the elevator to get said item

  • There is a random chance one of the random floors you get into will have an Elevator
    • Taking them will move you 150 floors closer to your destination.
  • To be notified if a Floor has an elevator, you will need to pass the "A Request for Eury II" Witch Petition
    • This will cost you a Million Mana, which is a lot, but right at the start of the Grand Cathedral, you'll find an item that can be dismantled for 18 Million Mana

  • IMPORTANT:Going on an elevator will reduceyour stats by 90%,and reduce any healing by 95%

    • This can be mitigated by passing the "Endure Strong Miasma" Witch Petition

    • Though, the way it works is that you'll recover your stats slowly after they have been reduced by obtaining Exploration Points (That you get by reveling tiles on the map)

    • If you take multiple elevators in a row, the effect will stack on top of each other, making it take even longer for your stats to start recovering

  • Even though your healing will be severely impaired, you can still heal properly by passing the "Take a Break" Witch Petition

    • This unlocks "Bivouac", a field skill that lets you rest for 30 turns.

    • If you managed to get past the 30 turns uninterrupted, you'll fully recover DP and HP for all possible units, and also fill up your Reinforce.


  • There is a random chance one of the random floors you get in will have a Wardrobe
    • These can be used to return back to the base and be used to return back to the Floor you've left the Grand Cathedral
    • If after you find a wardrobe, use it, and later find another wardrobe, the new one will override the one you had defined prior
    • To be notified if a Floor has a Wardrobe, you will need to pass the "A Request for Eury I" Witch Petition
  • You will not be affected by Miasma if you enter the Cathedral from a Wardrobe
    • Let's say you just got off an elevator and your stats are down 90%.
    • You conveniently find a wardrobe on the floor you arrived, so you use it to leave the Cathedral.
    • If you use the wardrobe to come back, your stats are going to be at 100%, like nothing happened.
The UP:

The UP is alive and well in the Grand Cathedral, and will be a real threat:
  • While exploring the Grand Cathedral, it has a random chance of showing up;
  • When it shows, some squares of the map will shine blue, and standing on these blue squares will cause damage to your Brigade
  • Soon after the UP shows up, a countdown will start counting, counting 3, 2, 1...
  • When it reaches zero, it will cause a UP complete;
    • This will destroy all of the tiles that were blue
    • If you were caught on the UP, not only you will fall to the floor below you, but the majority of your party will end up being Kidnapped, and you will need to find a Hideout to bring them back
  • Be aware that the UP can destroy the path to the next floor or Wardrobe/Elevators, causing you to get stuck.
    • Since you're going downwards instead of upwards like in the Apartment / Cartiervita, you do have a choice of falling on the hole it creates to get to the next area.

There will also be times when you'll find a red !exclamation point while exploring the Grand Cathedral

  • While this is normally used for story-relevant events, on the Grand Cathedral there is only one thing that will happen if you interact with it.

    • You will get a "There's a magical message" question, and there are three things that can happen if you respond positively:

    • One:You will get a message saying that "the UP is not coming". The UP will not show up on that floor, no matter how long you stay there

    • Two:You'll get a message saying that "the UP is getting stronger". This will cause every tile to turn blue after a few turns; get out of there as soon as you can.

    • Three:If you interact with the !while or after the UP is active, you'll get a "the UP is here" message. Nothing will happen.

  • You may want to avoid interacting with red exclamation marks.


Vetton can show up on the Grand Cathedral, just like the Grand Corridor:
  • Unlike the Grand Corridor though, it will not get scared of you, no matter how strong you get;
  • In fact, multiple Vetton's can show up on the same floor;
  • Avoid fighting with them, no matter what.
Dreamy Inn:

Occasionally while exploring, you may find Dreamy Inns:
  • Staying on them is not necessary, but there are some benefits to it:
    • Puppet Soldiers can recover DP when staying on them
    • Your Puppet Soldiers can build rapport with each other while staying on them
    • Whatever you set the Favorite thing on your Puppet Soldier creation will be used to create a fun little message.
      • If you put something funny on their favorite thing, you're bound to get a little laugh.
    • There are times when you will get a "Nobody had a good time" message, and nothing will happen.
Living Walls:
Sometimes you'll find enemies disguising themselves as the walls of the Grand Cathedral
  • You can identify them by looking at your map and finding these single tile spots on the map that looks like you'd need to use Wall Breaker to get inside them.


The equipment you'll find on the Grand Cathedral is insanely strong, and something you should definitely look into:
  • Even the 95% stats reduction won't matter if you manage to fit your Puppet Soldiers with equipment from the Grand Cathedral.
  • Make sure to get as much Treasure as you can find on each floor before advancing to the next one.
  • After you've reached the final floor, the best floor to grind for equipment is Floors 3286 ~ 3650.
    • Though there is good equipment to be found on 2921 ~ 3285 too.
Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.